Welcome to Green Trails!
Welcome to Green Trails!
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Patrol-Robert Poldervaart
There are a number of safety courses being offered by the constables office. To find these classes, check this link:
To view current volunteer opportunities, please click here.
January meeting notes: The committee lead reported on the December and total 2023 incidents, showing that the number of incidents have declined in every category.
February meeting notes: Annual meeting held. No monthly report.
March meeting notes: Monthly statistics were reported, noting an increase in vehicle accidents.
April meeting notes: Patrol statistics indicated no abnormalities.
May meeting notes: Patrol reports were excellent this month.
June meeting notes: Sgt Ellis emailed the Board about his new assignment; The monthly report from patrol indicated the number of homeowner requests was steady.
July meeting notes: Sgt. Salas will be our new GT contact. He will be invited to the August board meeting.
August meeting notes: Linda Muchisky reviewed the latest patrol reports. The new Sargeant (Salas) will attend the next Board meeting in Sept. Consider questions we would like to address with Sgt Salas. One question is the current status of county commissioners ceasing the patrol funding. Heather Esteban to call county about removing pine hit by car in the median on Kingsland directly east of Greenhouse.
September meeting notes: Nothing new to report
October meeting notes: Nothing new to report
November meeting notes: Nothing new to report
December meeting notes: Nothing new to report
January meeting notes: Nothing new to report
February meeting notes: Annual meeting held. No monthly report.
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