Welcome to Green Trails!
Welcome to Green Trails!
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January meeting notes: The committee lead indicated that David met with the MUD and approved the budget, remaining with Yellowstone for landscaping.
February meeting notes: Annual meeting held. No monthly report.
March meeting notes: Nothing new to report.
April meeting notes: Nothing new to report.
May meeting notes: Nothing new to report.
June meeting notes: Nothing new to report
July meeting notes: It was reported that all intersections look good, considering the recent bad weather. Yellowstone has been asked to ensure they are back on schedule next week. No major damage to the areas, just the dead trees down in many places. Yellowstone will prepare a quote to clean up all dead trees to get approval from MUD 346. New plants were recently installed in the planters, the current plants do well in the summer. There are also new planted trees at Fry, replacing the crepe myrtles.
August meeting notes: Not present
September meeting notes: No budget presentation at this time.
December meeting notes: The First Impressions budget has been approved by MUD 346 of $192,440.26. This includes administrative fees/crest, water, electricity, 3 color changes in 2025, feeder road contract, and I-10 contract. The approved miscellaneous expenses of $32,075.36 which will be billed to MUD 346. This includes a 3 year project ro replace the Drift Roses: Phase 1/Medians, Phase 2/ Corner Beds, and Phase 3 Frontage Beds. David is working with MUD 346 landscape architects to find the appropriate replacement plants. The Fry Road lighting project, presented by Doug Diehl with MUD 346 was also discussed.
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